An Empowering Crisis?

With the pandemic well into year two and variants seeming to outpace our attempts to quell the virus, I must admit I hesitate to write this. People are dying, and disparities are only amplified by the crisis. What a mess.

Yet the nature of crisis is that it drags us towards transformation. It hauls us either to a state of despair or determination.

The first results in the projection of powerlessness – we collapse in on ourselves or express it in anger and outrage.  At best, we are paralyzed. At worst, we lash out.

The second stems from a radical reframing that seeks an opportunity for something new, something better. This practice changes a problem into a challenge.  It calls us to connect and become agents for transformation.

A problem is a wall… a barrier, a block, an issue. It confines, it defines, it separates.

A challenge is a way… an opportunity for growth, creativity, imagination. It invites, it inspires, it expands who and what we think we are. It calls us to connect with others to enact change.

This is a sacred orientation, foundational to the way Spirit works. When we connect to this inner source, we become infused with a humble, yet confident power. It changes how we engage the issue, and clarifies what agency we have in it. This is how we forge purpose in the fire of crisis.

Even more, by its nature this is a shared power, one that flows from Spirit to us.  And that we, in turn, can share with others. That’s great news! It tells us that we have the power to create the needed shift, and its source is endless. It’s already there!

But it can be hard, if not impossible, to maintain this orientation. If you’re like me, you tend to default to ego, to the individualistic self, and lose sight of the collective, of your interdependence and interconnectedness in this world.1 Coming back to Love’s centre can be as simple as pausing, taking a breath, mindfully observing one’s thoughts and feelings. Come into partnership with Spirit. Then move forward with purpose.

Martin Luther King Jr. wrote, “power without love is reckless and abusive and love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice.”2

A problem is a wall. A challenge is a way. – David Maginley

Reframing the pandemic as a challenge to awaken compassion, to activate our ability to build a better tomorrow, to seek justice, means changing our relationship to the crisis. We reach out to those who are suffering, those who are scared, even those who are angry because beneath that emotion is the longing for a better world. Previously, I had posted about becoming a warrior of compassion. Now, more than ever, the world needs each of us to be such ordinary champions to bring about collective change.

Question: How do you connect to inner power?

  1. St. Paul expressed this struggle in Romans 7:15-20.
  2. Martin Luther King, Jr., Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community? (Harper and Row: 1967), 37.

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11 replies
  1. Miki Ota
    Miki Ota says:

    Hi, David. Thank you for this post. As you say, it’s risky to write about this topic, but you use your core terms so precisely and consistently that your writing comes across as substantial. I noticed this while reading your book – your vocabulary is well-considered. Such an essential aspect of creating content in this particular field.

    I would also like to thank you for providing the world with a model of what clergy ought to be. I’ve been watching your talks and interviews on YouTube and am grateful to finally come across a priest (I’ll use this quaint term, even though it may sound awkward, mostly because of my Eastern Orthodox background) who cares more about people than about the business of religion, without straying from the beautiful traditions and insights of all religions. You span the generations in your sensibilities, which is practically unheard of in the eastern church.

    Finally, it’s so refreshing to see someone who, in the midst of this global crisis, gently tries to bring people to love, clarity of perception and fearlessness. Personally, while I don’t take this pandemic seriously, I take great care to wear the mask and physically distance in all the locations where this is required by law and around people who do take it seriously, for their peace of mind. So I don’t really have an issue with fear and panic, at least where this pandemic is concerned. However, you seem to take it very seriously, and yet you don’t give in to the panic. You actively encourage others to stand firm in love, empathy, compassion and openness. You encourage others to think clearly. Yours is the more difficult path, and I greatly admire you for treading it so elegantly.

    Thank you.

    • David Maginley
      David Maginley says:

      Thank you, Miki, for your encouraging and thoughtful feedback. I’m grateful my reflections have such a positive impact – one never knows what will happen when we move in partnership with Spirit! Your generous words help me reflect on why producing this material is important, and for that I’m deeply grateful.

  2. Ruby love kinsey
    Ruby love kinsey says:

    Your interview with Jeff Nara was profoundly impactful as I tumble through my own spiritually dark tunnel. I am grateful for the gentle encouragement to keep trying to “know” love. It’s a crisis not brought on by external reality but the realization that I truly don’t understand how, what, who, why… Love. It seems I used to know and recently (8 years+ ago) I feel utterly depressed, alone, useless, pointless, abandoned, and helpless. I am attempting to understand this void and perhaps find a purpose for “it” (to exist). I will read your book with a crumb of hope as I do know one thing for sure… If I am still a tiny bubble lost on the edge then the large “bubble” will still be able to attract “me” to pop in, become one with It, just as the so called law of attraction is supposed to operate. I liken this to observing bubbles in a bubble bath ha! There’s always the big one with a strong surfacant gently pulling the strays into itself. I have a visual of increasing joy and love by not resisting, becoming part of. I hope to, once again, be a part of. Thank you for your important work.

    • David Maginley
      David Maginley says:

      Ruby, I do hope you have found your light within during the months since you posted your comment.You are profoundly wise in your insights, and using bubbles, as an illustration, is absolute genius! You are a unique expression of the love of God… yet that can seem so far off, so abstract in the storm and darkness of life. I encourage you to shine your gentle love upon everyone you encounter, but do it as a secret, and notice what it does to you. Peace.

  3. Cheri
    Cheri says:

    I have died two, possibly three, times as a child. While dead, I never went anywhere or saw anything supernatural. I listen to people’s NDEs and wonder what’s wrong with me that I didn’t get to go anywhere or see anything. Please tell me if you’ve heard of this and what you think of it.

    • David Maginley
      David Maginley says:

      Thank you for your comment, Cheri. One in ten who’ve had a brush with death have these experiences, and I’m afraid the research shows no correlation or pattern as to why some have them and others don’t. I assure you that nothing is wrong with you, and it’s not that some deserve it or need it more than others. We simply can’t discern a pattern from this side of the veil. Those who do have one are left kind of messed up for a while, as they now live out of step with this world until it is integrated… and even then, the problems of life keep coming! Of course, one day we will all know. May you have as smooth a road as possible until your transformation.

  4. Deanna Hutchings
    Deanna Hutchings says:

    If ever there was a time that we desperately need to believe there is a way through the walls that encompass us these days, that time is now. We need wise people to remind us that the walls do have openings…. if we seek those openings. I’ve been rereading your book “Beyond Surviving” and am refreshed by your words. Thank-you for ensuring us not to succumb or collapse from pessimism and cynicism in these troubling times.

  5. Esther
    Esther says:

    Thank you for sharing your NDE with authenticity.. I never heard of you till today bringing my attention On Christ Consciouness, the divine / light / love… I have spent all my life searching for home and family as I definitely gained insight wisdom experiencing Gods abundance Grace… Spending 36yrs with an Christian evangelical belief system, religion and ministry ideology has divided the people apart who are far from being authentic and compassionate
    I love the way your relationship with yourself has grown and evolved… Sept 2017 my whole life changed only a yr left at Bible college after 2 long years sacrificing everything and everyone and to fulfil the desires of my heart in ministry
    In reflection I can now see being a wife and mother is the highest calling to love with Grace compassionately and unconditionally and the lessons it has taught me… They were tough painful with much suffering from my church community. Challenging a life time belief system that failed me and my family…. Spending the past five yrs bearing witness of restoration and transformation with the grace and love which continually brings healing to my spirit and soul…along with the most amazing Christian Counsellor. Its been a year of weekly sessions at times the pain intensifies which aids my healing. Listening to you
    Has reconnected me to Gods word and with time I will experience things very differently
    Thank you so much and look forward to reading your book

  6. Gerald little
    Gerald little says:

    My brother who was a Lutheran retired pastor after 20 years of service is suffering from ptsd from his time in Vietnam and his beloved wife pasted two years ago. His wife’s sister is dieing now. He cannot communicate with us due to his fragile state. I so wish he knew what you teach. I will make space for his grief and breathe into it and breathe into his grief and send him love, compassion, healing.
    You explained beautifully the same guide I met in that other place 40 years ago witch changed my life and ministry. He also said “hi Jerry it’s good to see you”. That was a wonderful confirmation 40 years after my experience. I’m happy to share what he said next if you respond to this email. Maybe you might be able to give some insight on what he showed me.
    Blessings 🙌

    • David Maginley
      David Maginley says:

      Hello, apologies for taking so long to reply. Thank you for your note, a deeply profound sharing of your brother’s passing, and even more of your NDE. I would be honoured to learn more, if you’d like to share. Please keep in touch!


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